Thursday, May 25, 2006


Ashton (our neighbor) riding the bull. I laughed SO HARD when we got home and downloaded these pictures! OMG!!!! lol!

More pictures of Talon and those poor animals. ;) He has a distressed look on the picture with "Chicken Little" (I didn't name him- that is his, I assure you, that is a happy look! lol!!!!

This is the Pepsi truck that we entered into the parade. What fun. It was as hot as an oven, and I had to hold on to Talon to make sure that he wasn't thrown out of that thing! It shook so bad! lol! We were beat up by the time the parade was over! lol! WE WON 3rd place in the antique vehicle contest! lol! WOO HOO!!!!

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